
Climate Data

March 2019 Weather Summary for Belize

March is usually a warm, dry and windy month across the country of Belize. A gusty easterly to southeasterly wind normally prevails throughout much of the month supporting warm and fair conditions. Whatever limited rainfall that occurs during the month is typically associated with one or two cold fronts, prefrontal troughs, shear lines and low-level easterly wind surges.
March 2019 was characteristically warm and generally dry. However, it was not as windy as normal, and the prevailing surface flow was more easterly than east-southeasterly. The month started off generally fair with very limited rainfall amounts being recorded during the first five days. This was supported by mostly convergent, subsident and dry conditions at the mid to upper levels of the atmosphere.
Conditions changed slightly on the 6th due to the approach and slow passage of a weak frontal boundary. This system produced some rainfall on the 6th and again on the 7th. By late evening on the 8th the remnants/tail-end of the front had dissipated over the Gulf of Honduras and generally fair conditions returned.
The country saw generally fair weather for the next ten days from the 10th to the 19th. The surface flow alternated between east-southeasterly and east-northeasterly but overall the pattern was dry throughout the atmosphere. Isolated showers occurred sporadically during this period, but daily accumulations were below 2 mm at most stations with only a few exceptions.
The approach of another cold front on the 20th supported a slight increase in moisture. Rainfall peaked at Spanish Lookout on that day with a total of 41.1 mm. Punta Gorda was a close second with 37.3 mm of rainfall. Shower activity was slightly more widespread the following day on the 21st. By this time the diffused frontal boundary was over the country and supported shower activity especially over southern coastal areas. Automatic weather station data from Placencia showed a total of 96.6 mm being recorded between 12 am on the 21st and 11:55 pm that day. A few showers continued mainly along the eastern slopes of the Maya Mountains on the 22nd.
The remainder of the month saw a return to mainly fair and dry conditions except on the 27th and 28th when a few showers affected southern portions of the country. This activity was supported by a slightly moist northeasterly airflow.  
In summary one weak cold front crossed the country slowly between the 7-8th March 2019 while another diffused frontal boundary stalled over the area around the 20th - 21st March 2019. Rainfall activity between the 27-28th was indirectly related to a front that passes just north of the area and the ridge behind it supported a relatively moist northeasterly airflow.
The graphs and maps below summarize the total rainfall and average maximum and minimum temperature recorded during the month of March 2019. They also give an indication of how these readings compare to the normal for the month across the stations sampled. As can be seen, rainfall was below normal over the Corozal District and most of the Orange Walk and Belize Districts as well. In Cayo, Belmopan saw below normal rainfall while Central Farm was near normal but Spanish Lookout was above normal. In the Stann creek District, Savannah, which falls near the border between the Stann Creek and Toledo District was below normal but Melinda near the coast was above normal. Meanwhile rainfall over Punta Gorda was above normal for March 2019.  Maximum/daytime temperatures were warmer than usual for most of the stations sampled except in Punta Gorda and Savannah where daytime temperatures were a bit cooler than normal. Meanwhile nighttime (minimum) temperatures were normal to slightly above normal during March 2019 for all stations sampled here except for Central Farm where nighttime temperatures were a bit cooler than normal.


Click on the link below to view the rainfall summary for March,2019:

Rainfall for March 2019

:Click on the link below to view the rainfall anomaly for March,2019:

Rainfall Anomaly for March 2019

Click on the link below for the mean March rainfall map:


Click on the link belw for the mean March Rainfall for 2050:


















